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Gopher Buddies 2023 Curriculum

The Gopher Buddies Programme helps create a foundation for habits of spiritual growth as young children learn about the Gospel and who Jesus is. We teach life lessons that a 4 to 6-year-old can apply and encourage parents to talk with their children about what they are learning at Gopher Buddies.


I Will Share God's Word

This four-lesson foundational series teaches about the Bible. Jonah Shares God’s Word with the people of Nineveh. Saul’s life was changed from persecuting Christians to sharing the Good News with others. Paul and Silas shared the Good News about Jesus with the jailer. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets.
View "I Will Share God's Word"  

God Cares For Me

This four-lesson foundational series teaches about how God cares for us. God cared for Elijah by providing all that Elijah needed. God showed He cared for Elisha by providing good friends who helped him. God cared for Naaman and healed him of leprosy. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets.
View "God Cares For Me"  

God Teaches Me About Love

This four-lesson foundational series teaches about how God loves. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sin. Children can show God that they love Him by showing love to other people. God also wants children to love their enemies.
View "God Teaches Me About Love"  

God Sees Our Sin

This four-lesson foundational series teaches how sin separates us from God. Children will understand what sin is, and that there is a price to pay for it.
View "God Sees Our Sin"  


This two-lesson character trait series covers love. Children will know that God commands us to love others and what that means.
View "Love"  


This two-lesson character trait series covers patience. Children will learn how Joseph was imprisoned and had to be patient and wait to find out what God’s plans were for him.
View "Patience"  


This two-lesson character trait series covers courage. Children will learn how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego courageously faced the flames of the fiery furnace with God’s help.
View "Courage"  


This two-lesson character trait series covers giving. The children will learn that when the widow gave all she had, she showed her love for God.
View "Giving"  

Holiday and Themed Lessons

Four lessons covering select holidays and themes. A Christmas and Easter lesson and a Parent Night, and Friend Night.
View "Holiday and Themed Lessons"  

Celebrate Families

This two-lesson summer series explains how God gave Naomi a special family who helped her in many ways. The children will also learn that Paul and Silas told the jailer who was guarding them to believe in Jesus. The jailer’s whole family was filled with joy because they believed in Jesus.
View "Celebrate Families"  

Celebrate God's Presence

This two-lesson summer series explains to the children how David wrote songs about how great God is and that just as a shepherd watches over their sheep, God watches over them. 
View "Celebrate God's Presence"  

Celebrate Our Church

This two-lesson summer series explains the story of the men who brought their friend who could not walk to see Jesus and the story of Eutychus and that God brought him back to life.
View "Celebrate Our Church"  

Celebrate God Keeps His Promise

This two-lesson summer series explains that God keeps his promises and that one of the most wonderful promises God kept was sending Jesus to make a way for us to go to Heaven.
View "Celebrate God Keeps His Promise"  

Celebrate God Takes Care of Us

This two-lesson summer series explains that just as God took care of the Israelites and gave them water to drink, He will take care of us and give us what we need. 
View "Celebrate God Takes Care of Us"