Relationship Goals

Module Overview
A four-lesson topical series on building godly relationships. Students will learn the power of purity, how to create biblical friendships, be challenged to develop a godly view of dating, and learn a biblical perspective of marriage.
The Pursuit
1Students will understand how purity is to be pursued in all aspects of life and will identify areas in their lives where they must surrender to God’s standard for purity.
Make or Break
2Students will understand the importance of edifying friendships and will choose to invest in healthy friendships while avoiding those that are toxic.
What's The Rush?
3Students will learn that God cares greatly about their dating life and will be challenged to take the time to ask wise questions before making any decisions about dating.
Stick To The Plan
4Students will grasp that God’s standard for a marriage relationship is to be between one man and one woman for life and will be challenged to view marriage the way God does.