Back to Olympians 2022


Module Overview

This four-lesson series discusses the topic of service. Children are taught how to serve others and how to serve in age-appropriate ways. They will be taught to give their best when serving, to serve others first, to have a willingness to serve, and to begin serving in their own home.


Serve God by Serving Well

Children will know that all service is service to God and will be encouraged to give their best efforts to God when they serve others.

Isn't that Backward?

Children will understand that the way to be truly great is to serve other people and will be challenged to serve like Jesus, putting others first.

Motivated to Serve

Children will learn that even at a young age they can serve God and will be encouraged to develop a willingness to serve God with their lives.

Home is Where The Service Starts

Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we all have a purpose; we were created to do good works, and we can serve in a variety of ways. After reviewing the best practices for serving, we will challenge the children to begin serving in their own homes.