
Module Overview
This four-lesson topical series is designed to use the parables of Jesus to help the children develop godly character. The lessons will challenge the children to avoid hypocrisy, to put God’s words into action, to avoid self-righteousness, and to offer forgiveness to others.
Truth or Consequences
1Children will learn the dangers of hypocrisy and will be challenged to make sure their actions match their talk.
Rock Solid or Rolling Away
2Children will learn the importance of taking action on what they learn and will be instructed to create a habit of putting God's words into action.
Gazing at God or Mesmerized by Me
3Children will learn about the dangers of self-righteousness and will be challenged to humbly recognize the mercy of God in their lives.
Forgiving and Free or Prisoner of Pride
4Children will learn how Jesus offers forgiveness of sins and will be urged to show their gratitude by forgiving others.