The Ripple Effect

Module Overview
This four-lesson series is an Old Testament events study from the Book of Genesis that covers the events of Genesis 24-33. Children will be challenged to seek guidance from God’s Word, to think and pray before acting, to be honest, and to show mercy to others.
The Perfect Guide to Get Where You're Going
1Children will learn the importance of doing things God’s way and will be challenged to seek guidance from God through His Word.
The Choices We Make, the Difference They Make
2Children will learn how the decisions we make today impact our future and will be challenged to think and pray before acting.
Tricked! Dishonesty Doesn't Pay
3Children will learn that actions have consequences and will be challenged to be honest.
Mercy Triumphs
4Children will learn that mercy is a characteristic of God and will be urged to show mercy to others who have wronged them.