Back to Olympians 2023

Let's Celebrate!

Module Overview

This four-lesson series provides holiday-specific lessons. The first lesson is designed to be used around Christmastime. The second lesson is designed to be for Easter. The third lesson is a lesson about love and could be used around Valentine’s Day. The fourth lesson is about thankfulness and could be used around the Thanksgiving holiday.


Trust and Obey God's Big Picture Plan

Children will learn that God has a “big picture” plan for their lives, and will be encouraged to trust Him with everything as they walk with Him in obedience, even if they do not understand all that God is doing.

Joy Resurrected

Children will learn about the joyous resurrection of Jesus Christ and will be encouraged to not only live out that joy in their own lives but share it with others.

Rock 'em, Sock 'em With Love

Children will learn that God expects them to love all people, including their enemies 一 no matter how they feel 一 and will be encouraged to show that love to others in practical ways.

Abounding Thankfulness

Children will learn of the infinite value of God’s love and faithfulness and will be encouraged to show overflowing thankfulness to Him in response to His wonderful works.