Back to Olympians 2023


Module Overview

This four-lesson series is a New Testament book study from 1 John. The lessons focus on walking in the light vs. walking in darkness; obedience vs. disobedience; loving God vs. loving the world; and the world’s definition of love vs. a biblical definition of love.


The Light of God vs. The Darkness of Sin

Children will learn the difference between walking in light (with God) and walking in darkness (in sin) and will be encouraged to remain in fellowship with God by walking in the light of obedience to Him.

The Jesus Path vs. The Wicked Way

Children will learn that Jesus Christ is the perfect example of obedience to God and will be encouraged to obey God to the best of their ability. 

Loving God vs. Loving the World

Children will learn the importance of loving what God loves and will be encouraged to make choices that demonstrate their love for God.

Love: Snapshot vs. Sacrifice

Children will learn that God loves them so much that He sent His only Son to die in their place and will be challenged to show sacrificial love toward others.