Back to Gopher Buddies 2022

God Can Do Anything

Module Overview

This four-lesson foundational series teaches about amazing things that God did. He sent ten plagues upon Egypt to bring the people to Him. God parted the Red Sea. He sent manna from heaven. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets.


God Sends Ten Plagues

Children will learn that God sent ten plagues upon Egypt. They will learn that Pharaoh was a stubborn king who finally understood God’s power: God can do anything.

God Parts The Red Sea

Children will learn that when the Israelites needed help, God rolled back the waters of the Red Sea. They will learn that God can help them just as He helped the Israelites.

God Sends Manna from Heaven

Children will learn that God took care of the children of Israel by sending them manna when they were hungry in the desert. They will also understand that just as God took care of the Israelites, He will take care of them, too.

Review Lesson

Children will understand that God can do anything. They will understand that just as God helped the Israelites and gave them what they needed, He will help them and give them the things they need.