Back to Gopher Buddies 2022

Miracles of Jesus

Module Overview

This four-lesson foundational series teaches about the miracles of Jesus. He walked on water and helped Peter to have faith. Jesus healed a blind man. He also helped Peter to catch amazing amounts of fish. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets.


Jesus Walks on Water

Children will learn how Jesus walked on water to the disciples. They will know that Peter also walked on the water and Jesus helped him when he began to sink. 

A Blind Man Sees

Children will learn how Jesus helped Bartimaeus by healing him. They will understand that this is one of the miracles of Jesus. They will learn a miracle is something only God can do.

A Big Catch

Children will learn how Jesus helped the fisherman catch a large number of fish. They will understand that this was a miracle.

Lesson Review

Children will understand that Jesus walked on water, helped a blind man to see, and helped the fisherman to catch a large number of fish. They will understand that these are miracles of Jesus. They will know that a miracle is something only God can do.