Back to Gopher Buddies 2022

Sin Separates Us From God

Module Overview

This four-lesson foundational series teaches how sin separates us from God. Sampson sinned when he chose to disobey God. David told God that he was sorry for sinning and God forgave him. Jesus paid the price so He could forgive us all our sins. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets.


Samson Disobeys God

Children will learn that Samson’s choice to disobey God was sin. They will begin to understand what sin is and that they have to choose to obey God.

David Asks God to Forgive Him

The children will understand that when David told God he was sorry for his sin, God forgave him. They will know that God will also forgive them when they ask Him to forgive them for their sin.

Jesus Came to Forgive My Sin

Children will learn that everyone has sinned. They will begin to understand that Jesus loves them so much that He took the punishment for their sin by dying on the cross.

Review Lesson

This lesson will review and reinforce the truths taught in the previous three lessons. Children will know what sin is and that everyone has sinned. They will also begin to understand how to be forgiven for their sin.