
Module Overview
Themed Lessons These four lessons cover holidays and themes. Christmas, Easter, Parent Night, and Friend Night.
The Loving Father
1This lesson is intended to include parent visitors. The lesson will explain the Gopher Buddies program to parents while including them in the night’s activities. The Bible lesson tells the parable of the prodigal son.
The Two Friends
2This is a lesson to be used on a special visitor night or Valentine’s week. The children will learn that Jonathan loved David the way that Jesus loves us. They will learn how they can be a good friend and be invited to trust in Jesus.
Angels Announce Jesus’ Birth
3Children will learn how angels announced the birth of Jesus to the shepherds and that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus’ birth.
The Road to Emmaus
4Children will learn how Jesus appeared to two of His followers on the road to Emmaus after His death. They will understand how Jesus’ followers were excited to tell others the good news that Jesus was alive.