I Learn About Helpers in the Church

Module Overview
This four-lesson foundational series uses the testimony of the early church, found in Acts, to teach children that it is a joy to serve others. They will be encouraged to think of ways they can care for missionaries and other church workers. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets, available as a script and a video.
Lydia Helps the Missionaries
1Children will learn what a missionary is. They will also learn how Lydia helped missionary Paul by sharing her things, and that they can also help missionaries.
Priscilla and Aquila Help Paul
2Children will understand that Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers who helped Paul tell others about Jesus. They will be encouraged to name one person with whom they can share the Good News about Jesus.
Onesiphorus Is Kind to Paul
3Children will understand how Onesiphorus visited and cheered Paul up while he was in prison. They will be encouraged to show kindness to others just as Onesiphorus showed kindness to Paul.
Module Review Lesson (Puppets)
4This lesson includes a puppet skit available as both a script and a video. This lesson reviews the main concepts found in the three previous lessons of this module about helpers in the church.