Wet and Wild

Module Overview
This summer module tells two wild accounts from scripture that incorporate water. The first lesson is about a blind man who Jesus heals by putting mud on his eyes and telling him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. Children will begin to understand that Jesus cares for them just as He cared for the blind man. The second lesson teaches how Jesus calmed a raging sea storm. Children will be taught that Jesus is always in control, even when we feel things are wild.
The Blind Man Goes to the Pool
1The children will learn how Jesus healed a man who was blind by wetting the man’s eyes with mud and telling him to go wash it off in the pool of Siloam. They will begin to understand that Jesus cares for them just as He cared for the blind man.
Jesus Calms the Storm
2The children will learn that Jesus ordered the wind and waves to stop during a wild storm at sea, and the wind and sea obeyed Him. This lesson teaches that Jesus is all powerful and that we can trust He is always in control, even when we feel things are wild.