I Will Hear God's Word and Do It

Module Overview
This four-lesson foundational series teaches that the Bible is God’s Word to us. Children will learn that when you hear God’s Word, you should choose to obey, believe and learn more. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets.
King Josiah Follows God’s Word
1Young King Josiah discovered God’s Law written on scrolls. When Josiah heard the Word of God, he chose to obey. This lesson will prompt children to pray and ask God to help them choose to obey and follow His Word.
The Farmer and the Seeds
2This lesson teaches the parable of “The Farmer and the Seeds.” Children will be prompted to pray and ask God to help them be like the good soil and believe what His Word says.
Timothy Hears about God’s Word
3Timothy was taught God’s Word as a young child by his mother and grandmother. Children will be taught that God has given us special people who can help us understand what God’s Word says.
Module Review Lesson
4This lesson includes a puppet skit available as both a script and a video. This lesson reviews the main concepts found in the three previous lessons of this module about God’s Word.