Sin Separates Us from God

Module Overview
This four-lesson foundational series teaches that sin is disobeying God. Children will learn that everyone has sinned. They will be taught how King David humbly responded when he was confronted with his sin. They will also hear how Jesus died and rose again to pay the penalty sin deserves. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets, available as a script and a video.
Samson Disobeys God
1Children will learn that even though Samson followed many rules and was very strong, he still chose to disobey God. Children will be taught what sin is and that everyone sins.
David Asks God to Forgive Him
2This lesson teaches how David responded when he was confronted about his sin by Nathan. Children will be encouraged to ask God to forgive them for the wrong things they have done.
Jesus Came to Forgive My Sin
3Children will learn that Jesus loves them so much that He took the punishment for their sins by dying on the cross. This lesson encourages children to trust Christ as their savior.
Module Review Lesson (Puppets)
4This lesson includes a puppet skit available as both a script and a video. This lesson reviews the main concepts found in the three previous lessons of this module about sin.