Miracles of Jesus

Module Overview
This four-lesson foundational series teaches that Jesus’ miracles proved that He isn’t just an ordinary person, He is the Son of God. They will be encouraged to accept Jesus as their Savior and to share Jesus’ love with their friends and family. The fourth lesson is a review of the first three and includes the Gopher Buddies puppets, available as a script and a video.
Jesus Walks on the Water
1Children will learn how Jesus walked on water to the disciples. They will hear how Peter began to walk to Jesus on the water but fear caused him to sink. The children will identify a time when they are afraid and be taught to trust Jesus.
A Blind Man Sees
2Children will learn how Jesus helped Bartimaeus by healing him. They will learn that a miracle is something only God can do. Children will be asked to identify a way they can help someone, just like Jesus helped Bartimaeus.
A Big Catch
3Children will learn how Jesus helped the fishermen catch a large number of fish. When the fishermen recognized who Jesus was, they stopped fishing and followed Jesus. Children will be encouraged to be like the fisherman.
Module Review Lesson (Puppets)
4This lesson includes a puppet skit available as both a script and a video. This lesson reviews the main concepts found in the three previous lessons of this module about the miracles of Jesus.